Monday, April 21, 2008

Kathmandu Day 2

It is bed time after another exhausting day....up at 4:30 am and on the road at 5am for the 3 and 1/2 hour drive to the border of China and the beautiful waters at Tatopani the 3 and 1/2 hours back for a busy afternoon of workng on scavenges. The most meaningful scavenage is our volunteer of our time to the Tibetan refugee camp elementary school and the Tibetan refugee camp older folks home.....we have put in significant hours the last two days and will spend all morning tomorrow.
Our lead after Leg #2 has increased to 460 we have enough stamina to last 10 legs? Stay tuned!
We fly tomorrow night to ??
Regards to everyone back home......Bart
PS We received a spur of the moment invite to a Mongolian wedding.....what a festivity!!

1 comment:

Brian said...

We are holding both you and Steve up in prayer each day... that you we be happy, healthy and injury free. Remember, old guys rule !

Brian, Susan, & Chad